Monday, September 20, 2010

The Myth of Soya as a health food.

Only fermented soya bean products such as tofu and natto are healthy and health promoting foods, proven by thousands of years of use in traditional diets.

Over the last 40 years I've watched as soya went from a healthy food to being processed and added to any number of "health foods" and to promote prevention of disease such as heart disease. Processed unfermented soya does not prevent disease in fact it promotes it.    

To learn more, read this very informative article by the Weston A. Price Foundation. It's called Soya Alert. 

And Dr. Mercola writes about the history of soya foods and the studies that show an increase in the rate of breast cancer with ingestion of processed soya.

As a consumer who doesn't want to eat unfermented soya or give this toxic soya to your children, you have to be vigilant and read every label. It is possible to avoid soya, but it requires perseverance. And consumer pressure will bring about more products free of soya.

But go ahead and enjoy fermented soya products.