Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here's a health tip: Increase Your Fibre Intake

Dr Jonathan Whitaker, America's wellness doctor, states it well, we need more fibre than we are getting, and fibre is important for all sorts of aspects of our health.

He writes:

"When it comes to heart health, fiber is extremely important. We have known for decades that high-fiber   diets result in reduced cholesterol levels. And a recent study published in JAMA, which followed the dietary habits of men ages 40 to 75, suggests that adequate fiber also protects against heart disease. The study found a strong relationship between fiber intake and decreased risk of heart attack. My favorite source of fiber is flaxseed.

Flaxseed provides a high amount of soluble and insoluble fiber—one-fourth cup (50 grams) contains 11.7 grams of fiber. Other high-fiber foods such as black beans (7.2 g per cup), prunes (7.4 g per cup), and brown rice (4.8 g per cup) pale in comparison. Flaxseed is also rich in lignans, fibrous plant compounds that not only bind to cholesterol and carry it out of the body but have numerous other health benefits as well.

I suggest incorporating ¼ cup of freshly ground flaxseed into your diet each day. These tiny golden or brown seeds have a rich, nutty flavor and can be mixed into yogurt or soups or sprinkled on salads and other foods."

I too prefer ground flaxseeds to supplement for adequate fibre. We need about 30 grams a day. Ground flaxseeds have also been shown to lower the risk of estrogen induced diseases, such as breast cancer.

So start to get imaginative with the use of ground flaxseed, cook with it, sprinkle it and mix it.

To your Health